I want to ask a question in Stack Overflow about what I should do, and everyone can share every opinion.
But, I guess everyone will mark this question as "Opinion-based", right?
So can I ask this question?
I want to ask a question in Stack Overflow about what I should do, and everyone can share every opinion.
But, I guess everyone will mark this question as "Opinion-based", right?
So can I ask this question?
You can't ask opinion-based questions. In fact, there's no Stack Exchange site where you can, it's one of the close reasons:
The Stack Exchange network is for Q&A (questions and answers). And not for meant "opinion-based" answers. Aside, questions need to be specific. This isn't a discussion forum.
You might want to consider maybe asking it in a Stack Overflow chat room.
You can read about What topics can I ask about here?