I think that a good idea for a new badge would be what I will call overrun.
It would be awarded when:
- an answer is accepted on a question, then
- someone else (I'll call him person1) comes along and gives another answer,
- person1's answer is then assigned the accepted answer and
- the new accepted answer is up-voted n times (5 maybe?) to make sure this is a good answer, then
- person1 gets the badge.
The reason I think this will help the community is because it will encourage people to answer a question after an answer was already accepted.
I tried to create a query for this, but as is said in an answer (and comments) to this question I asked, it didn't work (let me now if you get one that works right).
I am not sure if this would be silver or gold (I think it is too hard to get for bronze. I could be wrong). What are your two cents on this?