phpMyAdmin Questions in General
Questions about phpMyAdmin are, in general, absolutely on-topic on Stack Overflow. That said, it's possible another Stack Exchange site is more appropriate, but which site that might be is entirely dependent on the specifics of the actual question being asked. Some other potentially appropriate sites:
But keep in mind that, apart from appropriateness, there are large differences in the size of the expert audience that is likely capable of answering these questions.
Your phpMyAdmin Question
Without knowing more, I'd say your question should be asked on a mailing list or forum, ideally for phypMyAdmin itself. I have a strong hunch that your question pertains to a bug or other broken functionality (e.g. the phpMyAdmin website itself). Unfortunately, it doesn't seem like there is either a suitable mailing list or forum for your question, at least not officially.
Based on what you've written (and your actual question) – "more of an odd behavior/configuration question" – I think you should submit an issue against their GitHub repo.
In fact, I submitted an issue pertaining to this question on the GitHub repo for their website and a contributor made two changes (this one and this one) to the Support page on their website that clarifies where users should ask for help.
Here's the latest version of the relevant text on the support page:
Types of questions and where to ask