I came across this question this morning: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29961395/proxy-issue-in-loading-website.
It seems likely that the asker is not scraping the site in question "legitimately" here, and for that reason my first instinct was to downvote and move on.
I didn't, though - I hopped over and reread a few sections of the FAQ and couldn't quickly find a reason why the question shouldn't be allowed. After all, in my opinion there's certainly value in explaining how to write a bot responsibly, for future visitors to the site.
So I put together an answer which I thought would help these future visitors, while the downvotes piled in on the question.
Soon after, my answer got a downvote, which wasn't entirely unexpected, but led me to question what I'd done a little.
I'm interested if others agree with my interpretation here. I'm not exactly a super-regular around here and so I don't have the grasp on what's ok and what isn't that many of you do.
Is the question OK? Is my answer OK? Should I have answered at all?