Let's say there's an interesting question that's written in poor English. It goes without saying that we can (and probably should) edit the question to increase its quality and make it more readable for future readers. But the fact remains that the OP's grasp of English might be poor.
If we decide to answer a question like that, how should we handle this issue? Is it best to attempt to keep the wording of our answers as simple as possible (in the style of the Simple English version of Wikipedia), even if it sacrifices some conceptual clarity? Or should we strive to write an answer that is as thorough and technical as we'd like it to be, even though it may not be fully understood by the OP?
(Obviously I'm not a native English speaker either and my own grasp of the language may be poor as well, so I'm definitely not trying to sound condescending here.)
If you need an example, the SO question that inspired this Meta question can be found here in its original form, after my edit and this is my attempt to answer it.