The question is currently at +79 score with over 60k views. It was asked back in '08 when things where a bit different. It has been closed since April 2013 and last active a year ago (there is no apparent community desire to maintain the existing answers).
The quality of the majority of the answers... lets say "poor" to be charitable.
Because there is a desire to maintain any answers that have useful material, how should this question be saved?
- Does someone who feels that this question have merit and remain (I don't believe this is the case) want to try to make a community wiki post out of the accepted answer, flag for a mod to make it into community wiki and delete all the other posts?
- Should it just be deleted?
- Should it be historically locked and forgotten (suggesting that "How about Paint.NET" as an answer is something that should be retained for eternity)
- Do something to try to migrate it to software recs via SE community manager involvement?
- Maybe migrating the question there, creating a new (non-voted) Q&A on software recs that contains the useful answer material, deleting all the posts in the now migrated post and merging it with the newly created one - this would set up a chain of redirects so that people following the links will get to the proper destination with all the useful information yet without dumping 415 reputation into a beta site.
Noting that any fixing of this question for some sort of preservation of quality (rather just saying "meh - its all historical - preserve the crap too") would take significant mod intervention (marking things as community wiki and deleting other answer posts that have a positive score), would it be more sensible for a mod just to do all the janitorial work on this instead - especially if the mod feels that there is merit in retaining this post?
I wish to point out that we shouldn't be encouraging people posting questions like this now (by having high scoring questions) or answers of the quality that are presented in this post. The continued presence of posts like these sends a message to new users that they are indeed valid and useful posts here and new users will continue to post questions and answers that are no better than the worst of these examples.