I've noticed the following several times lately: A question closed as a duplicate is shown on the front page* like this, which is perfectly normal.
However, when I click the link, it's automagically redirected to the duplicate question. That is, by clicking the link: Obtain 3-D matrix from multiplication of one 1-D matrix and one 2-D matrix I'm taken to bsxfun implementation in matrix multiplication without getting any notice.
My first guess was that it had been deleted after the front page was loaded, but that's not the case, as I've tried to refresh the front page, and it's still there. I'm assuming this is because the question is deleted, but I haven't been able to verify that yet.
Is this by design? Can anyone explain what is going on?
*Not really the front page, but this one: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/some-tag (I'm not sure what we call that page).