Doesn't the mere fact that someone migrated the image from the deleted answer into the accepted answer mean, unequivocally, that the now-deleted answer was useful all along? If that image serves a useful purpose in the accepted answer, then it surely served a useful purpose posted as a secondary answer? In fact, for users without enough rep to consider placing the image directly into the answer via an edit, the best possible way they could bring a useful image to the attention of other users is to place it in an answer of their own. That it was ultimately considered useful enough to migrate it into the accepted answer (and that describing this action was upvoted at least 3 times) suggests to me that the original image-containing answer was a useful service to the community that should have been upvoted and left alone (possibly even in addition to duplicating the image into the accepted answer).
Maybe I am way off base, but this seems like a colossal waste of time. The secondary answer wasn't the greatest thing ever, but it was created in the spirit of adding useful extra info that the existing answer (at that time) did not contain. People found it useful (so useful, in fact, that after its deletion people took it upon themselves to reproduce that content into the accepted answer, and other people upvoted them for stating that they took that action).
If we're going to flag things for deletion, why not prioritize things that are actually of low quality -- spam, nonsense etc. I don't see why it was useful, time-wise, to delete this post. Even if there is some sort of long-run signal-to-noise benefit to it, it is surely swamped out by the short term time-loss for the review and this meta post. Probably the entire discounted future "value" of the minute improvement of signal-to-noise will not ever sum up to as much as the lost value to wasted time spent on this kind of thing in meta.