To get even sillier than outlined in Give an option to wear multiple hats, and to pick up the excellent stacked-hat-overflow answer there, and to give it a real good chance of being implemented in the most breathtaking way ever imaginable, how about StackExchange...
partnering with a hat manufacturer so they'd design and offer users to order a real-world copy :) of any of their hats
getting that manufacturer to build-to-order those hats, possibly with a personal engravement/imprint/stitch-in, maybe using user's avatar image
sending that hat to the OHO (original hat orderer) (and of course users can only order hats that they already own on-site)
and, ultimately, sharing some of the wealth StackExchange is producing with the world by occassionaly serving such a real-world hat order away for free?
Now that would produce a sillyness overflow, so endlessly silly that it would re-spawn being ultimately cool.
It could even have an honest charity touch if StackExchange gave 1 (or whatever) buck per hat to some charity organization of their choice.
I believe a lot of users would order, and I am sure they would be willing to pay quite some money for such a unique hat. What the hat, I surely would.