Here is what happened:
A new user asked his first question. The question was not that bad. I helped that user so when he did added info via comments, he edited the question until it had enough detail to be answered properly.
My answer was rather long, with all possibilities covered, even code samples, and even thourough explanations.
Obviously, it helped that user, because when I was in the subway this morning, browsing with the new SO iPad app, I got notified he commented "Damn! Yeah that was it! Thanks!".
Back at my desktop, the question and everything was gone. The OP obviously had deleted the question meanwhile.
Yes I know that the user might have deleted his question because he did not know better, even though this is hard to believe, considering all the guidelines SO offers in various ways.
Unfortunately, I don´t remember the user´s name, so I cannot locate him in the user listings.
My question is:
Is it possible to recover the question, and related info?
Furthermore, how can I prevent this from happening again (except for ignoring all new user´s questions in the future, which would not help anyone)?