In the Low Quality review queue, you are presented with the following options:
I have seen confusion about the intended meaning of "Looks OK" a few times here on Meta. A couple of examples:
- Low Quality Review Queue, meaning of Looks OK?
- How to review low quality answers which are not crap but just incorrect?
This has led me to the following thoughts.
- If someone flagged it as low quality (even incorrectly), the post is very likely to have some sort of serious problem, perhaps factual or grammatical or something else.
- There is no option in the interface for indicating that the post has problems but should not be deleted. I suppose you might argue that the user should Edit in those cases, but there would be many cases where editing out the problem would change the meaning of the post too much.
- From reading other posts here on Meta, it seems like the "correct" thing to do in those cases is choose "Looks OK," possibly downvoting and then leaving a comment or taking other appropriate action outside of the queue.
- In the face of serious problems, the post most certainly does not "look OK," as the phrase is commonly understood. As a result, this choice seems wrong.
In light of that, I don't think the name "Looks OK" makes very much sense. The label on the button should more accurately reflect its intended usage.
My preliminary suggestion for a new name is simply:
Don't Delete
I believe this more accurately reflects how the button is intended to be used. Even though the post may have serious flaws, it makes perfect sense to say, "Deletion is not the appropriate response to the problems in this post." The user is then free to decline the flag and then take some other appropriate action, without feeling like they're giving the post any kind of stamp of approval. This will lead to more correct understanding and usage of the queue.
This should be a low effort change, as well, since it's only text on a button.
This past answer that explains why the "Looks OK" option was chosen has been brought to my attention. However, I do not believe this request to be a duplicate.
- The other thread in question has been completed. A change was made based on the feedback, and the change made is not currently satisfactory, for the reasons I outlined above.
The answer argues for the deletion of content that's bad for some reason other than the current intended usage of the queue. This is in opposition to the instructions we're currently receiving about how to use the queue. That raises three possibilities:
- Shog's answer there was in opposition to policy. (Unlikely, in my opinion.)
- Policy has since changed, making the reasoning presented there no longer relevant.
- We're getting bad advice on how to use the queue.
In the first two cases, I think the reasoning I've outline is still valid, and this request should go through. In the last case, some serious correction is needed, as it means we're being misinformed about policy. Additionally, if our current understanding of policy is wrong, then changing nothing will still leave users confused about the queue. If the Low Quality queue should be used for factually incorrect/poorly worded/poorly formatted/poor mechanics, then the options need to be expanded to allow users to do more with the post. I consider the lack of additional options evidence that our understanding of the queue is correct.