So I searched for this on Meta and the regular site, and read the FAQs. The suggestions were to edit the question to bump it, or offer a bounty.
I don't have enough rep to offer a bounty, and I don't currently have anything of substance to add. I've done a ton of research (hours and hours on MSDN, this website, other coding forums, etc) and have landed at a point where I'm really not sure what I'm doing wrong. I already edited the question once with a minor change, but I don't want to "abuse" the system by continually bumping with non-valuable edits, as this seems to be frowned upon.
I'm not sure if no-one is interested or if no-one has the answer, but I would hope for at least a comment or two saying "can't be done" or something like that if that is indeed the case.
My current workaround sucks, and I'd really like to figure out this little piece of the project to get everything working properly.
Any advice?
in the comment, where username is their displayed username. For instance, to ping you I would type @CBRF23. Note that this only works if the user has already commented OR has edited that post. You don't have to ping the author of a question/answer as they'll be notified of comments on their posts automatically.