4Clojure is a site with exercises which helps learning the Clojure programming language. There are only 40 questions tagged with 4clojure comparing with over 8000 questions tagged with clojure.
The 4clojure tag is unambiguous, but it doesn't add any meaningful information to the question. When a question is tagged clojure then adding 4clojure adds almost no value to the question.
An important question in evaluating a tag is: Can you be an expert in this area? So the answer to "Can you be an expert in 4Clojure?" is: "You can be an expert in 4Clojure questions only if you are expert in Clojure." So the clojure tag is sufficient here. The source of code in a question is not so important to have its own tag. There is no special tag [clojure-in-action] for problems with code examples from book "Clojure in Action".
I have to admit that maybe half from this 40 question tagged 4clojure is my fault. I am a new user on Stack Overflow, and I edited several old questions adding the 4clojure or project-euler tag. I also improved the tag wiki for this question (which was very short). Now I understand that this was wrong, and I want to start a discussion in this subject.
for searching.