I've been mulling recently over how one might go about designing a Stack Overflow robot, to gain as much rep as possible without being detected as a bot.
Let me make it very clear that I have no intention of actually writing such a robot. It is just an interesting design exercise, like trying to work out how you'd break into Fort Knox. (It might be useful for working out how to spot such bots, too.)
What will happen if I post my ideas for discussion on MSO? Will I get taken outside and given a good kicking? Will the moderators torture my little puppy?
It seems like an interesting discussion question, but basically I'm too scared to post it.
I should add that I'm not really concerned at this stage about whether it's on-topic. I'm sure I can write it so that it is, and if it gets closed, I'll live with that. I just don't want to get into trouble for encouraging naughtiness.
One more thing to add, in response to comments below: obviously it would be great if we had a bot that was genuinely useful in answering people's questions and so on, but I more had in mind something that would accumulate rep without improving the world to any noticeable extent! Hopefully a discussion on how to write such a thing might lead to a hardening of the system to prevent it.