I think about an idea of check-lists for some tags. Users who want to ask a new question with one of these tags have to answer some basic questions with yes/no answers. And only then they can post their question.
I talk about must-have checklist. For example: If I work with symfony I can ask question about sessions that are not working. I will tag this question with php
, symfony
, sessions
. I (if I was newbie) can forget to do some basic checks. And if I was able to check it I could not start a new topic. Almost always users will comment this post withe next questions:
- "Did you clear your cache?"
- "Is your session dir is writable?" This question will be asked only if there will be both
tags - "Are you working with dev environment?"
In almost any question this is the main problem of asker. He can solve his problem by just doing php app/console cache:clear
. After that he will not delete his question. And some other user will ask again a new question where the best answer will be "Try to clear your cache". And there will a lot of questions that have no value for community at all.
We can avoid this by making check-lists for tags.
Just see next list: https://stackoverflow.com/search?q=%5Bsymfony%5D+is%3Aanswer+cache%3Aclear
You will see that many questions have this as answer (not a comment), also in some of these answers author comment that it helped him but he didn't check the answer as right.