What metrics are available to understand how many users visit meta sites?
Specifically Stack Overflow; although, it would be interesting to compare rates of meta users on different Stack Exchange sites.
For example, from the users tab at Stack Overflow, it appears there are ~3,141,854 users.
On Meta Stack Overflow users tab there are ~196,525 users.
So, is it fair to say that 6.25% of users visit meta?
Badges could also be used, especially to understand participation - such as Quorum where 16,600 users or 0.5% have 1 post with score of 2; or Convention where 1,500 users or 0.05% have 10 posts with score of 2.
Clearly this complicated by the meta split, in which Meta Stack Exchange has ~113,554 users (3.6%); or even fewer users across all network sites than Meta Stack Overflow. Badge totals are also persisted from before the meta split. As well, a user does not need to login to view meta content.
To me, it seems a user needs to visit meta now and again to understand how the site is to be used.
Is 6.25% fair, and does that represent the desired or appropriate participation expected?