Today 100 days passed from the day that Meta Stack Overflow was split from Meta Stack Exchange.
I was a initially a bit negative about the split, as I thought that the lack of reputation would limit participation. On the contrary, after 100 days, my experience has been positive for the following reasons:
- I enjoy having my Stack Overflow privileges on meta, without having to earn them all over again.
- I like that fact that downvotes are free. I find that people are less annoyed by downvotes, as they don't affect either their reputation, or their proximity to a ban.
- My experience has been much more positive in terms of voting (up/down ratio = 5 on MSE, 38.5 (!!!)) on MSO.
- The community bulletin now attracts more people to meta, making it more indicative of the community as a whole.
- We can't offer bounties on meta-posts any more
So what do you think about the split?
- Was the split a good idea?
- Do you find the new system better than the old one?
- Should something have been done differently?
A tag for questions that may not necessarily have a clear-cut right or wrong answer and are often subjective.