A large number of contributors have contributed high quality posts over the years on Stack Overflow, and the community collectively moderates to keep the standards of the site high. However, some users end up using other people's contributions and posts without attribution, which results in plagiarism.
At present, users can flag any such post for moderators' attention, and if sufficient evidence is found, then these posts are deleted by the moderators immediately.
However, in this process, the users don't get any immediate feedback, and may tend to continue borrowing other people's content without being aware that it is an incorrect practice, or consciously indulge in plagiarism in an attempt to gain reputation by copying highly-upvoted posts.
To encourage positive behavior and provide immediate feedback to a user, the following changes should be introduced:
User loses X* reputation every time one of their posts get deleted by a moderator as a result of a plagiarism flag.
This reputation loss will be visible to them as
-X*: Plagiarized content deleted. Please visit help center for more details.
They should be able to see the link of the post which was deleted, similar to the linked posts we see for every upvote and downvote, and the help center link should lead them to information about plagiarism and guidelines for proper attribution.
Reputation is a representation of trust, this deduction of reputation will indicate that trust is lost if one indulges in plagiarism.
Every post deleted due to plagiarism should count towards post ban.
The current post ban formula should take the flagged and deleted plagiarized posts of a user into consideration as a parameter, while computing post bans. These deleted plagiarised posts should weigh in even if they have zero or positive score.
Users who have a high number of plagiarized posts will eventually hit the ban, and work on improving their content.
Make posts removed for plagiarism exempt from the >60 day >3 score rule for keeping reputation.
Users should not retain reputation gained by unfair means. It was never theirs to keep.
These measures will provide immediate feedback for innocent users and restrict those who may, at present, be willing to engage in plagiarism, and will encourage original content.
* X is a positive integer.