First off, let me preface this by asking all of you to not go mob downvoting this user's content on the main site.
I flagged two answers from a user as plagiarizing content from other answers, but the flags were recently declined. For one of the answers, I can sort of understand why, but I don't understand why the other one was declined:
Answer 1
This is one of the answers that I flagged:
Oracle does not support the LIMIT or OFFSET keywords. If you want to retrieve rows N through M of a result set
you need something like
SELECT * FROM ( select *,rank() over (order by some_column) rnk from table_name ) AS T WHERE rnk BETWEEN <<lower limit>> AND <<upper limit>> Order By something Desc
Take a look at here
I flagged it as plagiarizing this answer:
Prior to 12.1, Oracle does not support the
keywords. If you want to retrieve rows N through M of a result set, you'd need something likeSELECT a.* FROM (SELECT b.*, rownum b_rownum FROM (SELECT c.* FROM some_table c ORDER BY some_column) b WHERE rownum <= <<upper limit>>) a WHERE b_rownum >= <<lower limit>>
or using analytic functions
SELECT a.* FROM (SELECT b.*, rank() over (order by some_column) rnk FROM some_table) WHERE rnk BETWEEN <<lower limit>> AND <<upper limit>> ORDER BY some_column
Notice that both answers have the same intro, and the the 2nd code block in the original answer matches the code block in the plagiarized one, including the distinctive line
WHERE rnk BETWEEN <<lower limit>> AND <<upper limit>>
Also note that the plagiarized answer does not cite the original, it's a dead link to Maybe that site used to be a Stack Overflow scraper that went offline? Is that why my flag was declined for that answer?
Answer 2
The suspect answer:
You should use the
prefix to indicate that you're searching for a Unicode string:select * from Cars where Cars.PlateNumber =N'٧٦٣طجم'
The answer that I identified as the original:
You should use the
prefix to indicate that you're searching for a Unicode string:SELECT * FROM dbo.tblArticle WHERE name LIKE N'%......%'
Otherwise, you're converting your search string back to non-Unicode and then searching....
Note that the question that the suspected plagiarized answer is on was marked as a duplicate of the question that the original answer is on.