For the background, see: The Stack Overflow homepage is over-emphasizing bad questions (and a proposed solution)
We've put together a first pass at a new homepage algorithm. You can check it out here:
What it's doing is this:
- Take the 3000 most recently active questions (same as the current homepage) with Score > -3
1a. If you can't close/reopen yet, hide closed questions - Filter out any questions with ignored tags
- From the remainder, randomly choose 15 "hot" questions, where hot is just "Score >= 20 and has an answer"
- From the remainder, choose another 81 using an exponential weighted random over your favorite tags.
- Mix them together, sort by recent activity and display
Your favorite tags are both explicit favorites that you've set, and implicit favorites from a bit of machine learning magic based on what you've answered in the past. If you want to see what the machine learning thinks you're interested in, check out
The "exponential" part of the weighted random means that if it has some tags we think you're interested in, it becomes way more likely to show up on your homepage (topping out at ~400x). The effect is that you see mostly questions in your favorite tags, if you have any, but unlike the current homepage it's still a random selection, not a straight sort descending (so you see different stuff every pageload).
It also has two subtabs:
- Needs Answer: like above, but filter down to only unanswered questions (no upvoted or accepted answer)
- Hot: like above, but filter down only to hot questions (Score >= 20)
Take a look and tell us what you think. Try changing your favorite / ignored tags and see how it responds.
Some other things we think are good ideas but have not implemented yet:
- Show more hot stuff and less unanswered stuff to anonymous users
- Give bountied questions more weight so they show up more often
- Add filter options to filter by tag, score, etc.
What do you think?
Thanks for the feedback! We're definitely going to take another pass at this next week and we'll update when it's out. Feel free to keep leaving feedback, but some things we're definitely going to look at:
- Getting rid of the yellow highlighting on the page, since basically everything is supposed to be interesting to you
- Rethinking how the "hot" part works, since it's basically just selecting for old, popular posts that recently got a probably irrelevant edit or answer (but this might be a good subject for a review queue)
- Nav / UI - this wasn't really intended to be final or even part of the proposal. It's just jammed in there for now so people can play with it. Also 'featured' wasn't supposed to go away.
Stack Exchange Quality Improvement Project
- Allow users to optionally filter out low-quality questions
- Feedback requested: New “recommended” homepage, phase 1
- What should the system be deleting automatically that it already isn't?
- Let's have an explicit triage system for questions from new users
- Breaking down question blocks - let's talk about rate limits
[needs answer]
view by tag? I would assume if you're looking for unanswered questions, you are looking for a specific language/technology.[hot]
view show so many really old questions with thousands of views? It would probably be nicer if it showed newer questions that are rising fast, so it would be worthwhile for users to check that view regularly.