Any fundamental changes to a question that change it enough to invalidate correct answers are a no-go. As the OP states in revision 5:
The previous question body basically was about "how to drag and drop contour texture on surface after making it in photoshop etc..". Now it asks about how to programatically generating contour on a surface on the basis of data.
That is too much of a fundamental shift to be appropriate in my opinion. I would not hold it against you if you were to roll that question back to its original.
Perhaps it is what the OP meant to ask all along, but he didn't. He asked the original question, you answered it and to the OP's own admission did so correctly. So he should simply ask a new question.
Given that you're currently the only user who answered, if you are willing to update your answer to the new question you can choose to do so instead. But be careful that you don't fall into the trap of a help vampire who'll change the question to whatever he fancies next.