I see lots and lots of comments about reducing the noise:quality ratio that is strived for on SO. It seems however there is a lot of frustration by more avid and achieved users (moderators, high rep users, long-term users, etc.) vs. the newbies on the site. Even with my small amount of rep, I get this.
In fact the same frustrations seem to occur over and over by the more experienced users (in whatever category) having to downvote, close questions that are subjective, repaste links to similarly asked questions, tell people to read the F-A-Q, etc. An annoying cycle dealing with new and non-understanding users to keep SO moving in the right direction. How annoying it must be as a moderator or an experienced user to have to do things over, and over, and over because new or inexperienced users just don't read or get what this site is supposed to be. I know certainly I would get annoyed and even a little cynical if I had to deal with that on an ongoing basis.
I may not have a high rep, but I am an experienced software engineer and I read these forums often so I get the jist of what is trying to be achieved here: Don't be the same old typical forums where spam, jokes, repeated bad questions, bad answers, and ultimately a truly bad collection of data exists.
In order to prevent this you need well seasoned users to participate to create and achieve this goal. SO has several means to move toward that goal now like upvoting/downvoting, incentives, and active moderation, but none of it seems to prevent the reoccurring tug-o-war occuring between those that just don't get the philosophy of SO and those that do.
What if a more explicit means of weeding out hose that cause noise, don't get that SO is not like other forums, and don't know how to use it properly existed? Here are some ideas:
- Make a new user take a multiple choice question quiz on the FAQ for SO before being allowed to participate. I can't tell you how many times people have to post: "According to the FAQ... We don't allow this because the FAQ states... You should not because the FAQ... And all valid points. User's must learn and understand the FAQ prior to acceptance to SO. After all we don't give out a driver's license without passing an exam.
- Split the site or have a 'Graduation/Ultimate/SuperUser, etc' section for those above a certain rep point. i.e. users above 5,000 can be a part of the real SO, and those below are a part of beginner SO or something (don't be concerned with my verbiage - just the concepts please). It's like 1st class on an airplane: you typically know who will be in 1st class because it naturally filters by financial ability. In the case of SO, let's filter by document brain power (reputation). No reason the experienced users can't float back to the less experienced forum to help, but gives them a place to be segregated from the noise and annoyance and to collaborate on a higher and more productive level.
- Be more like SO Careers where membership is only by invitation. This would really limit junk and noisy users by a great extent keeping the site to those more tight knit to the community with more productive use of SO.
- Charge for the site in addition to other filtering techniques. I know this is rarely popular but the ideology of SO is not like that of an open forum anyways so charging for use might once again make people take the usage more seriously and follow the guidelines as set out in the FAQ and documentation.
SO is not the ordinary forum, we all know that and know it wants to achieve to be 10x better than all the other typicall forums around. But as a community it is difficult to achieve these goals when membership and acceptance is still allowed like the typical forums on the internet. To be different we have to treat how it is used differently as well in addition to all the other techniques already implemented on SO to help achieve this. It may be time to draw a line in the sand to help better achieve this goal.