There seems to be a genuine point of confusion for some (hinted at in comments), between bug reports and debugging requests.
This confusion is understandable because the two can look very similar. "I did this and got that result when I wanted another result" is a central theme of both. Indeed a debugging request can result in a subsequent bug report with nearly identical text.
On face value, the only difference between them sometimes might be where they are posted. Although SO does prompt people to ask a question where bug reports are making a statement.
The two are not the same:
Debug requests start from a point where the OP is unsure of whether the behaviour they see is caused by their own misunderstanding or caused by a bug in the technology. It need expresses no opinion on whether its their own code or the librarie's code that should change.
Bug reports and feature requests should start from a point of some certainty. The OP is expressing an opinion that the libraries behaviour should change in some way.
Stackoverflow is not a vehicle for asking technology authors to change their software. Therefore bug reports and feature requests are off topic here and should be closed.
Stackoverflow is regularly used for debugging requests. And they are on topic.
Again even if the text of both matches, the purpose is totally different.
Just to confuse this further, GitHub has a Q/A feature for some projects. This acts as a direct competitor to SO and redirecting users there might be construed as spam, just like redirecting to any other competitor forum.
Even if this text of subsistent bug reports matches a debugging request here on SO, or the answer is "that's a bug", debugging requests are a completely different step.
As a general rule it's better for a developer to assume they made some mistake before believing that third party software is to blame. The third party software usually has many other users hitting the same code path, so finding something they didn't is less likely.
Why would users be encouraging the opposite?
It's natural human behaviour to want some attention and human interaction for the thing you built. Authors of libraries that have lower user bases may not see the danger.
There may even be some dislike of SO on the part of the author.
However authors of heavily used libraries will thank you NOT to conflate debugging requests with bug reports. They simply do not want to be inundated with "spam" caused by other people's misunderstandings and other people's broken code.
Assuming that the original questions are not true bug reports or feature requests, then users should generally not be suggesting posting questions outside of SE. The only exception may be SO's own specific scope.
As others have pointed out, such comments ought to be flagged.