Since June 2018, it's been possible for users who are a member of a Stack Overflow for Teams site to freely participate here on Meta Stack Overflow even if they don't have the participate in meta privilege on the main public Stack Overflow site.
However, given the recent changes that completely de-linked Teams profiles from main public Q&A profiles, I'm not certain whether this is still the case. As far as I'm aware, given that, I don't think this meta site can correctly query anymore whether a user is a member of a Team to check if a user can freely post questions and answers here if they don't have the required reputation on the main public site.
Am I correct here? Is it still true that users can participate here if they're members of a Team even if they don't have the required Stack Overflow reputation, or has this changed since the delinking? If it's no longer possible, was it considered and deemed intentional, and if not, can it please be fixed (or the design changed so the behavior matches with the design)?