When I'm in the first answer queue, it's quite common that a new user is posting an answer to a question with lots of answers that adds nothing to the existing answers. The short description for protecting is like this:
Protect this question if it is highly active and likely to receive spam activity or non-answers (e.g. "Me too!" "Thanks!"). Anonymous and low reputation users can’t answer protected questions.
This is not really applicable. The answers I'm talking about are indeed proper answers. They are not spam, nor non-answers. They are just unnecessary.
The help section says this:
Protecting a question prevents answers from being added by anonymous and very low-reputation users, generally users with under 10 reputation.
Questions should be protected when they are attracting poor answers from new users that exceed the volume which can be moderated in a timely manner.
Questions should be unprotected when they are no longer attracting large amounts of traffic or would benefit from new answers.
This is a bit closer, because it addresses "poor answers". But here I'd say we have a slight problem, and that is that the short help text seems like it says something different than the long version. The short talks about "spam activity or non-answers" while the long version talks about "poor answers". I think that needs to be corrected.
And also, this is not about answers that are poor on their own. They are poor in relation to other answers in the sense that it adds nothing.
I'm not talking about a specific question here, but just as an example we have How to download image using requests and the answer I was reviewing was this:
you can binary write content of the response:
import requests resp = requests.get('https://url.to.png') with open('file.png','wb') as f: f.write(resp.content)
And the content here can already be found in several other answers.
In this particular example, the question is already protected, but if it wasn't would it be correct to protect it? The action I took this time was downvoting and commenting that it adds nothing to existing answers.