Lately, I've been seeing this ad for Azure (...even though I'm already an Azure customer):
It's unsettling when faces on my screen stare right back at me.
So I clicked the “Report this ad” link and dutifully filled-out the form, expecting the ad to be cycled out and replaced with one less likely to feel like I’m being watched… but no, the ad still shows.
I'll admit I'm on-the-spectrum and a common trait of ASD is finding it very uncomfortable to look at faces, especially those looking back at us. I assume Stack Overflow is interested in advancing neurodiversity, so in the spirit of that (and given my impression of the rest of SO's user-base...) can SO's ad-moderators request that ads posted don't feature faces staring at the user?
...or an "I don't like this ad" button that rotates out a different ad?
- INB4: "just tighten your adblock settings"
- Yes, I clicked the "Report this ad" link too