In the current election a candidate nominated themselves shortly before the end of the nomination phase. This has meant that no discussion of the candidate happened as the nomination phase ended and then comments were locked.
The other 5 nominees all had significant discussion, both good and bad, about them. This doesn't seem particularly fair and seems like a good way for someone with an otherwise great nomination to hide a particular issue.
I agree that ultimately your votes SHOULD be your votes but I think it's naive to expect humans to not weigh in others opinions as they make their own.
Furthermore, expecting users with 150 rep (the requirement to vote) to have intimate knowledge of who is who is unrealistic. These people, myself included, can make a decent assessment from the election score and the Q/A. However, as the Q/A is from the nominee themselves it is helpful to have the discussion in the comments and see how other users, especially higher rep users, feel about them.
Should there be a waiting period between nominations closing and the election starting to allow time for discussion?
Alternatively, why even lock comments during the election?