As a user with > 10k reputation, I can't actually duplicate the exact issue which you are experiencing, because getting the score breakdown works fine on deleted posts for users with >10k reputation. In other words, that error is not produced, so I can't 100% verify that the following is the same problem. However, everywhere else where I've seen the issue, it has been affecting elements which are <svg class="svg-skeleton-element-during-loading"></svg>
, as you show in your question.
The issue is that Stack Exchange's software uses those elements as a placeholder which is to be replaced by the results of an AJAX GET call. Unfortunately, that GET fails and the placeholder element is never replaced.
Starting on or before 2021-01-22 there has been a CORS problem for Stack Exchange assets which SE pages expect to fetch from*
. The issue does not appear to affect everyone, but it is affecting more people than just myself.
One example problem: Flag and Close dialog breadcrumbs
The asset which I notice is missing the most is in the breadcrumbs for the flagging and close dialogs. Specifically, the asset
, which is supposed to be a small right arrow used in the breadcrumbs. Without the asset, the close-dialog breadcrumbs look like:
If things were working properly, then you should see something like:
Testing for yourself
You can test to see if there's a CORS issue for requests made from within your browser for these assets with the code in the following snippet:
.done(function (svgData) {
$(document.body).append(`<p style="color:green;font-weight:bold;">It worked!</p><p>The SVG is:${svgData}</p><p>You do not have a CORS issue.</p>`);
.fail(function (jqXHR) {
$(document.body).append(`<div><span style="color:red;font-weight:bold;margin-right:2em;">Failed!</span>See the console for a record of the request.</div>`)
<script src=""></script>
In Firefox, if you are experiencing a CORS issue, then when you run the above snippet you will see an error in the console which looks like:
Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at (Reason: CORS header ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ missing).
Chrome will also display a similar error in the console.
In addition, this link is directly to the asset which the above snippet attempts to load. If you're experiencing a CORS issue, then this link will work correctly in its own tab to show the SVG text, but the snippet will show as "Failed".