Voting on answers to questions makes sense. Users can collectively decide the best answer to the OP's question, even if it's not the chosen one. Voting on questions, however, is vague and fraught with some serious issues. What are users voting for and what's the criteria? It's time to rethink this feature and do away with it entirely, especially when users have a negative reactions to it. It is also a major contributor in creating a hostile and unwelcoming community.
While I am not entirely sure, I assume if a question receives enough downvotes then a moderator will be alerted to step in. This seems redundant to me. Questions already can be flagged for the moderator, or one will intervene if they come across it. If, however, the voting is intended to show its popularity among users, then favoriting already serves this purpose. Whatever its intent, it's a just vague tally of votes featured prominently on a question with an open interpretation.
Unfortunately, it is often negatively interpreted by users, which is counterproductive towards SE's goal of creating a friendlier community. The feature is arguably the leading instigator of hostility. Too often, users are enraged and frustrated when their questions are downvoted and rejected, especially when they don't know the reason.
Downvoting questions are also counterproductive in achieving SE's stated goal of fostering diversity by creating a more welcoming community. I would wager the overwhelming majority of its users and staff are white, male and or American. At the very least, it's the impression it gives. Users who identify as members of underrepresented groups may react more negatively when their questions are downvoted. They may feel emotionally hurt, suspecting their question was downvoted not for its merit, but out of bigotry of other users. I've personally seen this happen more than I care to recall. Understandably, many will hide their identity out of fear of being hurt.
Finally, a great deal of time and effort is wasted by moderators, users and computing resources explaining why a question was downvoted along with the ensuing debates. The time and effort could be better utilized helping the OP improve the quality of their question. Combined with the vagueness of its utility, perhaps it's time to do away with downvoting.