In the Stack Exchange Data Explorer you can only see what happened with your close votes if a post reached that final state, and then only for non-deleted posts. Alternatively you can keep an eye on the reviews you've done and how others reviewed the same post. And there some chatrooms that are open to discuss or ask advice if you have questions around curation and moderation.
For the reviewing history that you can use a script I wrote: Adding the consensus to review's history
For SEDE you can find your name in the PostHistory table in rows with typeid = 10 (closed). The Text column will have a JSON with all the voters involved in closing the question.
I've created this SEDE query to shows the known events you were involved in:
select postid as [Post Link]
, pht.Name
, creationdate
from posthistory ph
inner join posthistorytypes pht on = ph.posthistorytypeid
cross apply openjson(text, '$.Voters')
with (
VoterId Int '$.Id',
DisplayName nvarchar(200) '$.DisplayName'
) voters
where ph.posthistorytypeid in (10,11,12,13,14,15,19,20,35)
and len(text) >0
and voters.VoterId = ##userid?7919597##
When run today this is the result:
Keep in mind SEDE is updated once a week on Sunday.
Use the very useful SEDE Tutorial written by the awesome Monica Cellio.
Say "Hi" in SEDE chat.