It looks like when a question is flagged "duplicate", nobody can add new answers to it, which creates a problem with outdated answers, especially if the duplicate ranks higher in search results than the "correct" question.
For example, I just googled for "NumPy remove duplicate rows from matrix" and got this as the top result. The problem is that that question is flagged as a duplicate and the accepted answer is no longer correct.
I didn't realize that until I spent some time researching the problem myself. Now I know that when I see a question flagged "duplicate", I better check the linked question, or I might get bogus information. And, of course, I'm unable to add an answer to the duplicate question to correct it.
One possibility would be to figure out how to put an HTML tag on a page that points a search engine to a different, preferred page. I don't know how to do this, but it seems worth investigating, especially for somebody at Stack Overflow with the ability to actually change the server code.