I like reviewing a lot, but sometimes I make mistakes. I am banned from reviewing until some time (end of April now). So no queues are showing for me. I literally cannot review at the moment, so it is not a there is nothing to review thing.
But I noticed that from time to time I can see this red dot appearing. I've never seen it when I can review, but it usually appears when I have been banned for a little time on reviewing.
I have read several posts like this one about not red dot in the queues themselves, this one explaining the red dot basics and this one arguing that some people get to see it in the queues and some don't.
My conclusion is that it is still in development, and there can be some errors (as you will see in these pictures below).
Before clicking it:
After clicking it:
By what I have been reading in here, delay and other stuff might be the problem. It really does not bother me but I was just asking myself why even not being able to review, still could see the dot.
and already has an answer here
is not quite right, but I guess it is how it's done when marking as a duplicate! @Luuklag