I rejected one of your edits earlier, my reason to reject it is because you were making trivial edit yet not fixing word errors & typo, also that question is a low quality question, it's going to be closed, your edit is likely to bring unnecessary review tasks to other people.
Since I have the feeling your name is familiar (probably skipped some of your edits), I looked over your reputation log and your suggestion edits.
I think contributing / gain reputation mainly through editing is okay, but your editing log shows that you were mostly suggesting trivial edits, many of them nonessential. And you recently have sometimes made 2 or 3 edits to same question, I think this is not good. Please try to make complete edit at once.
You can improve your edit before it's been approved, but after that please think twice before you submit suggestion again.
Please try to be comprehensive and serious when you make edits again, this will save everyone's time, thanks.