Both tags are used to refer to the C++ concept of template specialization.
specialization has a longer wiki, but template-specialization has more usage and a more specific name. template-specialization should become the master tag.
Both tags are used to refer to the C++ concept of template specialization.
specialization has a longer wiki, but template-specialization has more usage and a more specific name. template-specialization should become the master tag.
C++ questions with specialization but not template-specialization (to prove that the tags are synonymous in the case of C++)
specialization on non-C++ questions (on which the list below is based)
template-specialization on non-C++ questions (likely its own problem, but not what I'm considering here)
If you're comfortable in any of these languages, please check the links and see if specialization is an appropriate tag for what they're talking about, or if it's avoidable by somehow making it more specific.
specialization is always synonymous with template-specialization on C++ questions. These can reasonably be mass-edited to use template-specialization.
As opposed to generalization, as in entity-relationship models, UML, and database design.