This question comes from this one: How to join two table in pandas based on time with delay. It is almost a duplicate of Merging two dataframes based on a date between two other dates without a common column, except that the answer on the duplicate only works with small data frames, while this one wants to use larger data frames.
I first read the other question, and then its accepted answer and came to the conclusion that the answer could not apply to that case. As I had already handled a close problem I decided to post an answer.
I then realized that my answer could be adapted to the original question, even if it is currently specifically focused on the other question. And began to wonder which one I should have answered
Was I right in answering the new question because the accepted answer on the proposed duplicate could not apply, or should I have VTCed the new question and posted a new answer (despite the existence of an accepted and upvoted one) on the old one?