Users cannot delete questions they've posted once the question receives upvoted answers. So that is why you've had this issue in the past. Users with delete vote privileges can use them to vote to delete questions that have been closed.
There is only one answer you posted with three upvotes that has been deleted.
The question had been deleted by people in the community, as it has been closed as a duplicate.
Personally I am not in agreement with deleting duplicate questions with decent answers, they all help search engine results and sometimes an answer on a duplicate question will help someone who is really struggling and just needs to see something explained or written in another way. But I will step in line with community census on this.
Due to wise peer pressure I've redeleted the question. As my peers pointed out to me, and rightly so, the question was not a good duplicate, due to the lack of research effort shown by the questioner.
Let this be a lesson to the people who answered it to not waste time answering questions that show little effort. Instead focus on the better quality questions.