The review queue is a somewhat daunting flood of work items that exists in its own, easily-ignorable space. It is especially easy to ignore when you look at it and it says "9000 items".
I personally would be more likely to participate if the review queue items were just peppered in sporadically into the ordinary Q&A feed. There should be some visual distinction to help show what kind of review state it's in and how many you could decide easily whether to scroll past, or click through to become involved.
If people didn't like seeing them they could opt out (similar to filtering out tags) and have to go visit the list manually. Maybe you could even configure a slider of how many review items you want to have appear, as a % of your total feed.
Quick description of what it might look like, in lieu of an image mockup: it would be the same width and height as an ordinary question row, with the title and the tags being the same size and positions. But clicking on it would not take you to the plain question view, rather to the view you would get in a review (e.g. a diff showing edits, with buttons to cast your vote).
It would have some different background color or border style...and instead of the area to the right of the tags having the name of who asked or last edited, it would have the review reason (e.g. "This question was edited after it was closed. Should it be reopened?") The "Votes/Answers/Views" rectangle to the left of the question could be repurposed to say something like how many votes cast to reopen, or metrics more relevant to reviewing vs. to answering.
I think something like this would make it seem more like a bearable burden that everyone is passively involved in--instead of taking a user out of the ordinary Q&A process to a queue that many people (at least myself) find tedious to do one after the other after the other...
feed? And I think we should be able to have some control over participation and frequency of review items.Please do this