We can't paste the URLs provided by newbies into the "Add Image" URL selection because it is gone.
Please add it back.
Here's an example: Can't Find Other Web Pages, Except Index - Where Are They? Newbie could not link to images, but the imagur URLs are in the question (click edit to see them).
Here's the new Add Image interface without a place to add images by URL (I don't have the image locally).
(You might also consider fixing the layout while you are in there twiddling bits).
if (url.Contains("i.stack.imgur.com")) { DontUploadButInsertLink(url); } else { UploadAndInsertLink(url); }
. It's more like[![image][1]][1]
to make it a 'clickable' image since people seem to want to post their entire extra-wide-screen desktop to the point you have to click the image to expand it.