The "enter image description here" is used to fill the alt text of the inserted image. While this text isn't shown if the image loads normally, it is useful in several cases:
For users of assistive technology (particularly screen readers) so that they can still get the gist of the image's purpose despite not being able to see the image.
If the image fails to load for some reason or is blocked (sometimes corporate proxies block the Stack Imgur in particular), the alt text will be shown instead.
You can block images in your browser if you want to see what effect the alt text has. If you're able to provide a relatively short but accurate description of the image, you should try to do that in order to help anyone who can't see the image.
You can also see the Markdown Basics page on Daring Fireball where it shows what the image format does:
![alt text][id]
[id]: /path/to/img.jpg "Title"
Note that Stack Exchange automatically wraps the image in a link so that you can click to expand it.