Is there a syntax highlighting language hint (<!-- language: lang-??? -->
) for Java properties? Or can a hint for another language/format be used for this purpose?
Example snippet to which syntax highlighting is to be added:
# line comment
! also a line comment (but less commonly used)
key1 = value A
key2=value B
key\ with\ spaces = lorem ipsum
url =
multi.line = multi \
line value!
unicode = tab\u0009separated\u0009value
This question is not a duplicate of the very general question What is syntax highlighting and how does it work? I know the list of supported language hints and I tried all of them without success before I asked this question. Unfortunately, the list is incomplete: for example, lang-xquery
which is supported by Stack Overflow is missing.
However, the language hint I know that comes closest is lang-ini
(also missing on the list):
<!-- language: lang-ini -->
# line comment
! also a line comment (but less commonly used)
key1 = value A
key2=value B
key\ with\ spaces = lorem ipsum
url =
multi.line = multi \
line value!
unicode = tab\u0009separated\u0009value
In cases with URLs as values or with ! ...
line comments I would prefer <!-- language: lang-none -->