I just performed this review and flagged the answer as not an answer because the person asked for help in their answer.
Then I noticed a comment by another user:
Please explain your question properly. It is hard to understand what you have tried and what is not working.
This is false feedback (questions must not be asked in answers) and sounded like it was written by a reviewer. So I checked out the commenter's profile and viewed their review. I couldn't find any evidence of them raising a flag. That is why I replied to the commenter:
@CalculatingMachine Pay attention with your reviews! This was posted as answer. You were lucky this was not a test.
Yes, I did note the missing an in my reply.
I then sent off my review. Curious as I am I went back to my review summary and wanted to see the evidence of me raising a flag in that review. However, there is no evidence, at least not visible to me.
Are flags raised by other people only visible to people with higher rep? I am pretty sure these flags need to be visible in other review queues. And these queues are not only worked through by mods.
Should I just walk away when I see something like this? How would you have reacted to this scenario? Assuming you have the same privileges as I currently have. (My rep is 1,780)
Did I make a mistake and the person actually raised a flag?