I am new to Java. And one thing which frustrates me very much on this site is the obsession of users with the perfection of questions and answers, instead of really trying to help the OP/questioner. The restriction placed on asking questions only make matters worse.
Sometimes when I was looking for a specific info. regarding some misc. non-java subject, I encountered Reddit, and then got frustrated because in the long stream of discussion, it was difficult for me to find the best and appropriate answer. I then realised, at least partly, the probable motivations of the site managers, to focus so much on the answerability of the questions, and the quality of questions themselves.
As a novice to Java, many times, I ask questions in which I am not technically 100% correct in framing the statement or even a totally incorrect/invalid question. An ideal thing for me, in that case, is to get people making an approximation on what I am really trying to ask, and then answer it, with an attached note regarding those approximations. Or, a solution oriented criticism, with the intention of helping the OP, instead of just plain criticism done for the sake of criticising.
I really don't care about the reputation changes. I don't care about voting. But I do think that restricting users from asking questions is a plain simple discrimination against freshers/rookies.
I propose/suggest the site administrators to restrict the visibility of downvoted questions(preferably only on search engines such as Google), instead of restricting the users from asking questions. I have no problem, if my question after a few initial days of activity, is deleted or not shown on site. As a novice, my sole primary purpose is to gain knowledge and clarity on concepts.