There are a few concerns here that we probably need to talk about individually.
1 - We can't ever hope to ensure 100% license compatibility.
CC BY-SA 3.0 isn't a great license for code to begin with, and its compatibility with other standard licenses for that use case is dubious at best. But, there are scenarios where code mixes are decidedly less worrisome than others, and 'public domain' is one of those. While the concept of public domain doesn't hold up in some areas, when you get into those areas, CC BY-SA gets sketchy too. While this doesn't solve the problem of Public Domain not being a license specifically saying you can use this with no restrictions at all, it doesn't add more restrictions on top of CC BY-SA, so it's not making that problem any worse.
Additionally, people can host their own stuff on various platforms (including Github, their own domain, older forges, etc - they are free to write their own licenses that blankets everything there.
2 - Most snippets are functional, anyway.
No, not as in functional programming, but as in they don't really implement any kind of art and it's dubious if a court would even consider them to be licensable. There's a devil in there, though, because you can cram a heck of a lot of art into a sorting algorithm that's easily mistaken for just some boilerplate code. Point is, folks need to be conscious of what they copy regardless, and any sense of security from some kind of cross-site license compatibility initiative would be sketchy-to-false to begin with. I'd love a world where we don't have to worry about this, but I'd be doing you a major disservice by misleading you into thinking you're safe because we actively block anything that doesn't legally mix.
3 - Our guidance for attribution really does help.
Use it from our site? Somewhere else? It's The Right Thing To Do ™ to leave a code comment pointing to where you found it anyway. Not only does it satisfy attribution requirements, it helps hand code over to new maintainers, helps you figure out if you have any code from '' if needed, and just makes a great reference point. If you're doing that, you can ratchet down your worrying to under a dull roar and let legal deal with whatever comes up.
Now with that said, the site does currently 503 when I hit links to it. One reason why we might block links to something is total unreliability (or they later inject ads obnoxiously, etc), so if you notice posts depending on content from this domain for relevancy - it's worth editing to pull any relevant information in if the post is worth keeping.
But that's a practical, not theoretically legal reason for doing it :) So if reliability becomes a major issue, bring it up again and let's decide on that alone - but doing it for licensing reasons isn't the best way to make it go down in site history.