I have several favorite tags and I want to view relevant questions. How can I search only in my favorite tags?
3 Answers
If you have marked your favorite tags as such, then you can use the following two operators, as explained in the help center:
returns only posts that appear in tags you have marked as favorite. (If you don't have any tags, this operator does nothing. For better results, update your preferences.)is:question
narrows results down to just questions [...]
So, if you put both operators into the search box, then you should find all questions that appear in tags you have marked as favorite.
Clickable: stackoverflow.com/search?q=intags%3Amine+is%3Aquestion Commented Sep 18, 2018 at 2:19
Use it by adding +or+
in between tags in URL. Something like.
By default it will be sorted with newest
on top.
This is applicable for other StackExchange sites as well.