I frequent the encryption
tag on Stack Overflow and, as an individual, am very passionate about security best practices. I often stumble upon questions that implement incredibly insecure code, for example, this question that contains a blatant SQL Injection vulnerability. Often the questions I find are more technical (e.g. ECB mode in Block Ciphers, static IVs etc.) but this question is a good example.
Now, the topic of the question was not relevant to the insecurity. BUT, the insecurity was still very much present and important. As soon as answered (in a comment that wasn't even relevant) OP was off, even stating "YOLO".
I have read Should the answer be the simplest ever possible, even at the expense of quality/security? and while I agree that we are here to provide answers to questions, we are also people who have the power to promote better practices by educating new and inexperienced programmers!
If a question is asked that contains blatant security pitfalls, can we not request that the OP fix their vulnerabilities and edit their question, something like a "Blatantly insecure and/or dangerous practices" flag?
Wouldn't this be a superb way to introduce security as a fundamental pillar in application design while programmers are still learning the basics?