I recently reviewed an item containing a link edit, that looked correct to me. Then I revisited the link itself, and found it wasn't quite right - in fact, the URL in question no longer led to the PDF named in the link. (Post from 2008, IIRC.)
I hunted around Meta for similar questions and found some, but not similar enough. It's not a skipped review; it's a review I actually approved. And I don't simply want to withdraw my edit; I found a better edit to supply in its place. I can find the item; however, all I can do is see that I have approved that review; I can't take it back (and supply a better link I found to the content referred to in the post).
Is there a way to redo an edit I reviewed? I'm mildly worried about having my reviews audited by an audit-bot a mod and found guilty of high crimes. Or even found not-guilty by mistake (the link goes somewhere, so a bot checking for dead links wouldn't detect it).