If this is a duplicate point me in the right direction, and I'll delete it, but all I found was this, the question it's a dupe of, and this one. Those seem related to the 'show me teh codez' questions. This question is about questions where the OP just doesn't have sufficient understanding to comprehend the answer, not just pining for a quick fix. The one about 'explain x' doesn't seem to fit either; the question that sparked this one is (IMHO) specific enough.
As it stands, the answer to the question is in the API documentation of the referenced library. Having seen questions closed for that in the past, I posted the link in the comments, flagged for closure, and moved on. I thought the OP was just too lazy to search prior to posting. Now it's pretty clear that the OP just does not in fact understand what an asynchronous queue is, nor much about concurrency in general.
I see that the flag has been disputed. Perhaps I gave the wrong close reason? How am I supposed to deal with questions where the OP just doesn't get it?