When I ask a question, generally it is programming related. I simply go to whatever code I am working on, make an example mockup of the code, exclude specific variables and identifying information to the specific application I am working on, and then I post the mockup code. Generally my questions are answered right away, usually without hiccup.
However when it comes to MySQL related issues, I find it much harder if not impossible to get answers. I do the same general idea of looking at the problem I am having, and creating mock data to post when asking my question. However I find when it comes to MySQL IT SEEMS so far based on my limited experiences on this site, that people are not so accepting to work with mock data.
In one such recent question it has so far ended in a string of comments where I expressed confusion about what was being asked of me when it comes to "sample data", and it was told to me that "I need to run actual queries on the database I am working on and post the results of those queries".
Obviously, I am not going to do that as I am dealing with a live database, and I am not about to just go sharing data from it on Stack Overflow.
I suppose my question, without trying to start any kind of huge debate, is: How exactly do I generate a MySQL question without posting actual contents of my database that will be acceptable by others to actually answer?
Here is an example of what I mean: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39285286/complex-joins-and-unions-mysql?noredirect=1#comment65912520_39285286
As can be seen on that post, I shared mockup database data. I could literally write a CREATE database and a series of insert commands that would recreate the example mockup I gave, and reproduce my problem. So what is it about ACTUAL data that is so important? How do I fix the MySQL questions I ask so people actually answer instead of demand me expose the database I am working on?