Most readers here are familiar with the famous regular expression answer, and Stack Overflow in my view is a richer place for occasionally allowing such things. However, I have found a user who is writing in this fashion for all of his posts.
I should say that though I am not a Python person, I suspect the core technical content of these answers to be really good. However, I find the deadpan, meme-referencing and wisecracking style to be rather distracting, and I am not sure how easy the material would be to consume for a reader whose first language is not English. In other words, the material is of good quality, but it is not reference quality, which is what we strive for.
Some samples follow.
You thought this was gonna be trivial, didn't you? Welcome to py.test hell.
This isn't quite teeing, of course. But every great journey begins with a tedious prequel everyone forgets in five years.
If it bleeds, we can patch it.
[...]E.T., Patch Home
I don't even know what that subheading is supposed to mean. Yet we press on.
[...]But What About Teeing? You Promised Teeing
I promised nothing! Extending the above monkey-patch to tee stdout and stderr is left as an exercise to the reader with a barrel-full of free time. ("It ain't me, babe.") [Links to meme material on YouTube]
Feast on the unexpected awesome of bear typing:
So what's the rub, bub?
To prevent well-meaning (but sadly small-minded) coworkers from removing the type checking you silently added after last Friday's caffeine-addled allnighter to your geriatric legacy Django web app, type checking must be fast. So fast that no one notices it's there when you add it without telling anyone. I do this all the time! Stop reading this if you are a coworker.
Just because. Welcome to bear typing.What The...? Why "bear"? You're a Neckbeard, Right?
We've all seen it a hundred times a googleplex times, and vomited a little in our mouths everytime we did. Repetition gets old fast. DRY, yo.Get your vomit bags ready. For brevity, let's assume a simplified easy_spirit_bear() function accepting only a single str parameter.
Can such wrapper functions actually be reliably generated to type check arbitrary functions in less than 275 lines of pure Python? Snake Plisskin says, "True story. Got a smoke?" [Links to meme on Wikipedia]And, yes. I may have a neckbeard.
No, Srsly. Why "bear"?
Bear beats duck. Duck may fly, but bear may throw salmon at duck. In Canada, nature can surprise you.
Next question.
What's So Hot about Bears, Anyway?
And leycec said, Let the @beartype bring forth type checking fastly: and it was so.
[...]Tests or It Didn't Happen
Here's the gist of it [link to GitHub Gist]. Get it, gist? I'll stop now.
Now the mandatory neckbeard rant nobody asked for.A History of API Violence
I ask Guido: "Why? Why bother inventing an abstract API if you weren't willing to pony up a concrete API actually doing something with that abstraction?" Why leave the fate of a million Pythonistas to the arthritic hand of the free open-source marketplace? Why create yet another techno-problem that could have been trivially solved with a 275-line decorator in the official Python stdlib?
It Was a Dark and Stormy Coding Session...
Our glum tale begins, as many do, with a tedious backstory.
That's usually a good thing, lest black-hat intruders tamper with my glutenous digital horde of... "stuff."
[...]Get to the Fix, Already!
Thus was the unclear made clear, the buggy debugged, and the slow tests parallelized quickly.
O.K., it actually is. It's hairy; it's nasty; it probably chortles as it burbles and giggles as it glows. But what you gonna do? Nuthin'.
We'll soon descend into the radioactive abyss of low-level code. But first, let's talk high-level shop.
[...] Unleash the dogs of mind-fellating insanity!
Lost? Great. Let's begin. (Python 3 assumed. See "What Is Fragile Hope for 300, leycec?")
(and so they continue).
Now, I don't wish to presuppose any answers from Meta here. Given that we all liked the Zalgo regular expression thing, maybe we can give space for one (evidently knowledgeable) user to do what he likes? He is certainly a fine writer.
On the flip side, some may take the view that if the laughometer is this active, perhaps the material belongs on his blog instead?
I have tried to reach out to this poster in comments, but have gotten no bites.
Edit: I am receiving a handful of downvotes for this - that's fine, but do please add an answer to expand on your disagreement. We cannot gather a full range of community opinion if objectors maintain their silence.
Edit 2: the user I'm talking about has acquired +200 in the last few hours, almost certainly as a result of the 'meta effect'. Please do not vote (either way) in response to this post, and - if anyone needs reminding - please do not serial vote by user, either up or down.
Edit 3: a high rep user appears to have presupposed the outcome of this discussion, and added this comment under one of the OP's answers:
Cecil... keep on writing in the style you feel represents your voice. The Meta community has spoken and agrees your writing style is a-o-k. Keep on being you.
Really? :=)
. However I might try nibbling at the edges of a couple of them, if Meta is firmly of the view that this style is discouraged. Thanks.