So the OP posted a XSLT question that wasn't really a bad question but did not have enough information to actually answer it.
Because of this, I posted a comment asking for some example input and output data along with the XSLT they were attempting. I got back a response that the input data is a 20k line file and can't possibly be posted. I posted another comment telling them to provide some data (not all) needed to see exactly what they were attempting and what was going wrong, linking to the mcve article.
The OP responding by saying that it was too difficult to explain (I don't think it was - it was just a little unclear and an example would clarify it completely) and not important. They then edited the question to be a completely different question.
I'm not saying that they changed it a little. The question they edited to is only related to the original in the sense that it covers the same language. It is not remotely the same question.
What is the expected etiquette on this? Should the question be flagged in any way for this?
I would expect that with a different question a new question should be opened. It shouldn't be edited over the original. If the OP wanted to abandon the question, they should delete it.